The hands belong to Paul at the Carrell Clinic in Dallas and the leg is mine. Paul is removing the splint that was put on my leg after the surgery. Dec. 4, 2017

Paul, moving my foot upright…very slowly to get the cast on my leg. This process of moving my foot upwards was very uncomfortable. Paul was patient and moved slowly but it took me a few minutes to stop tightening my muscles and just relax. Dec. 4, 2017

My first meeting with Meg McCormick, my new physical therapist at the Southwest Sports and Spine, Katy Trail in Dallas, she took measurements on my right foot’s mobility in comparison to my left and asked questions while evaluating the flexibility of my foot. Both Syd and I got good vibes and I’m ready to start the work. (March 26, 2018)

My first meeting with Meg McCormick, my new physical therapist at the Southwest Sports and Spine, Katy Trail in Dallas. . Meg took measurements on my mobility and asked questions while evaluating the flexibility of my foot. Both Syd and I got good vibes and I’m ready to start the work. (March 26, 2018)

Walking the halls of my condo. It’s the only way I’m going to be able to get this and these legs ready for May. Well, forget May, I need for Dr. Curry come my next appointment on Feb. 12 to be happy with my progress. Cause when he’s happy, I’m most definitely. Feb. 3, 2018

The ability to walk should never be undervalued. And neither should the people in our lives who show so much selflessness and love. It feels good to be back on both feet again. (April 15, 2018)

The ability to walk should never be undervalued. And neither should the people in our lives who show so much selflessness and love. It feels good to be back on both feet again. (April 15, 2018)