Since I’ve been back home in Dallas from two months of travel through Sicily, Italy and Malta, I’ve been knee deep in doing stuff. Piecing quilt blocks for two block exchanges coming up in December, putting together blocks from a previous exchange, researching my family’s genealogy, planning my European travels for 2018 and planning my U.S. travels for the coming months.
Tomorrow, I head to Boston, Mass., and from there a few days at Martha’s Vineyards. I’ve never been to either place and I’m ready to embark on some U.S. adventures. I’ve traveled to many states in this great country, but there are still many I haven’t been to and I aim to see what they’ve got going on as I knock them off my list, starting with Massachusetts and a couple of other great New England states. Upcoming for October its the Carolinas and Georgia. More about Boston and Martha’s Vineyard to come.