The 18th-century Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy. June 4, 2017

The 18th-century Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy. June 4, 2017

The 18th-century Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy. June 4, 2017

The thing about Rome that I love is everywhere you turn, there’s history, especially ancient history. And, in Rome’s case, that ancient history melds with modern times. And, I don’t just mean 21st century modern times, I mean modern European history times from the 15th century. And, today, I got to indulge historically in a place that I’ve seen from the outside each time I’ve been to Rome, but never explored it internally. Then I saw it featured in the movie, “Angels and Demons” as the “Chapel of the Illuminati” from author Dan Brown’s book starring actor Tom Hanks. It is the Castle Sant’Angelo and it has been in existence, initially as a Mausoleum for Emperor Hadrian, since being built in 130’s AD.
And, my featured church for today is San Giovanni in Laterano or St. John Lateran, considered the first Christian church built by Emperor Constantine the Great who set aside his pagan beliefs to worship Christ the Savior. May 28, 2017

Not your typical Italian fare and certainly not a health conscious meal either, but this is what I ordered for a late lunch today at the Hard Rock Cafe in Rome. I just couldn’t eat anymore pizza, pasta or bread. I couldn’t eat it all, but I did put a hurting on the spring rolls, the Tupelo chicken tenders and even the wings. Sometimes a girl just needs her comfort foods. May 29, 2017

A quick selfie by the enormous and wonderful ruins of the ancient Colosseum as I made a mad dash to get to the Basilica of St. Peter in Chains. There will be more about the Colosseum later this week when my friend and travel buddy, Bonnie, arrives. May 29, 2017

It may look like the colosseum but this is actually the remains of the Theater of Marcellus, once an open air theatre, in Rome, Italy. Park of the tour “Rome: Off the Beaten Path” began and ended here with a walk through the remains of the original Roman Jewish ghetto. May 31, 2017

Enjoyed having dinner in Rome, Italy, tonight with these two Texas ladies, mother Lorraine and daughter Amy whose last stop on their Italy travel journey is Rome. Gratzi! And, I had a great time ladies! May 31, 2017

Bonnie made it to Rome, Italy, ready to hit the streets on Thursday so we took an afternoon tour of Ancient Rome by way of the Colosseum, Roman Forum, the Trevi Fountain, Pantheon and Piazza Navona. All under the very hot Roman sun while walking on the hard and hot ancient cobblestones. June 1, 2017