The main pedestrian street in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. June 5, 2016

From Plovdiv, we made our way to Veliko Turnovo for the night. This is the fortress in Veliko Tărnovo in Bulgaria served as the Second Bulgarian Empire’s primary fortress and strongest bulwark from 1185 to 1393, housing the royal and the patriarchal palaces. June 5, 2016

This art etching is on the side of a building in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, but I saw other etchings in other Bulgarian cities. I can’t seem to find much information on these wall art etchings, in Plovdiv, then different ones in Veliko Tărnovo and another one again in Rousse, they are striking. June 5, 2016

Another art etching on the side of a building in Veliko Tărnovo, Bulgaria. June 5, 2016

We left Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria to head to Bucharest, Romania. And, on the way, we stopped here at the city of Rousse, or Ruse, Bulgaria for lunch. June 6, 2016

The Dohodno Zdanie, an imposing Neoclassical edifice on Freedom Square in the city centre of Rousse, Bulgaria. It was built in 1898–1902 to accommodate local theatre performances. June 6, 2016

Rousse, Bulgaria, is known for its 19th and 20th century Neo-Baroque and Neo-Rococo architecture and is often called Little Vienna. June 6, 2016

Something I don’t see much of anywhere, a pay phone on the main pedestrian street in Rousse, Bulgaria. June 6, 2016

An art etching on the side of a building in Rousse, Bulgaria. June 6, 2016

My view of Bucharest, Romania, from the 19th floor of my balcony at the InterContinental Hotel. June 6, 2016

My view from the 19th floor of my balcony at the InterContinental Hotel in Bucharest, Romania. June 6, 2016